How to Make Sock Blockers

How to Make Sock Blockers

Buying sock blockers for occasional knitters is somewhat acceptable, but if you are kitting a lot of them on a regular basis, there’s actually a lot of ways to make your own sock blockers. These homemade sock blockers cost way less than store bought ones.

Today or tomorrow, your store bought pairs that show wear and tear, and you have to buy them again. To me, this doesn’t make much justification, where you can make household unused items within 10 minutes or so.

In this guide of how to make sock blockers, I will mention a few ways. You can adopt whichever you find more suitable and cost-efficient for you.

How to Make Sock Blockers

How to Make Sock Blockers

Before you start, be sure to collect the following items.

  • Thick foam sheets. Try to get foam sheets thicker than 3mm.
  • Paper and pencil.
  • Scissors.
  • A4 size paper and a printer if you will be using sock blocks pattern template.

Method 1: Using Own Blocker Template

Step 1

Take a sheet of paper, which is larger than your sock. Place the sock on the paper, and spread it as much as you can.

Step 2

Use a pencil to trace around your sock. Be sure to leave a 6mm gap around the edges.

Step 3

Take scissors to cut the custom template out that you have just made using a pencil.

Step 4

Cut foam sheets similar to the size of the paper that you have cut.

That’s all. You can insert the foam sheets into your socks. These custom made sock blocks will come extremely useful when you hang your newly made socks to dry without shrinking.

Method 2: Using Sock Blockers Template

You will find sock blockers template search on Google. Pick the right size that fits your socks well, and proceed to the following steps.

Step 1

Print your selected template out. If you are making it for adult socks, make sure the page is large enough for the printout. For kids, toddlers, or infants socks, print out on a smaller page, or multiple templates on a single large page.

Step 2

Now, hold the sock over the printout template to see if the outline matches your sock. If the template is a bit large, you can use scissors to cut the extra portions. You need to check the width, toe, and heel sizes.

Step 3

If the size is just perfect, cut the template. You can extend the length and width of the pattern if you find it smaller than your sock size. The scissors are your friend here.

Step 5

Trace the template onto a thick foam sheet, and cut the sheet out.

This should be it. Fit socks onto your newly made sock blocks, and hang them to dry.

Method 3: Using Wire Hanger to Make Sock Blocker

One of the drawbacks of using foam sheets to make sock blocker is that the socks take longer to dry. Also, due to the wetness or moisture, the foam sheet can take wear and tear soon.

The most amazing part is, you don’t need to buy anything else, and the procedures will roughly take about more or less 3 minutes.

But, that doesn’t mean you will have to buy these blockers from a store.

You can use your old wire hangers to make sock blocks, which is a more durable and long-lasting homemade option.

For this, all you will need is a few wire hangers.

Step 1

Locate the center bottom part of the hanger, and pull downwards.

Step 2

Now, push the left corner of the hanger towards the center. This should make the bottom corner look like a foot.

Step 3

The top part of the hanger is uneven. You need to give it the shape of a sock top. Bend as much as you need to give it the desired shape.

Step 4

Further tweak the corners until you find the perfect size for your socks to fit onto it.

If you follow the above steps correctly, by now, you should have a sock blocker. This one is more durable even compared to store bought ones. Also, using these blockers, you will be able to dry the socks pretty soon.

How to Block Socks

If this is the first time you are using a sock blocker, the following steps will let you know how to do it correctly.

  1. Fill your skin with cool water. Add some hand soap, shampoo or wool wash. Make sure it doesn’t make a lot of bubbles in the water. But, it should dissolve the oils that are on your hands.
  2. Submerge the socks, and press them underwater. Leave the socks to soak for at least 20 minutes. This should give you enough time to make a cup of coffee, and drink it slowly.
  3. After 20 minutes, lift them out of the water. Make sure you grab the socks on your palm entirely. Socks shouldn’t get stretched due to their water weight.
  4. Squeeze the water using your hands. Be sure not to wring them.
  5. Slip the socks right onto your custom made or store bought sock blockers. Allow them 24 hours to dry. If you hang the blockers under direct sunlight, it will take way less time to dry.

Keep in mind that you don’t need to leave the socks underwater for exactly 20 minutes. You can leave for hours, but make sure it’s not less than the recommended time for best results.

Final Words

Once you figure out how to make sock blockers, you will find more homemade ways of making these items.

Instead of using thick foam sheets, you can use cardboards, and other similar items as per the socks require to get the perfect shape right after you are knitting them.

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